Monthly Archives: September 2011

Fourth NEXT-1 exam

Today the next four trainees successfully finished the first part (NEXT-1) of their training as part of the training and validation program for surveillance operations in Namibia. Ladies first – mrs Sarafina Maxwanu and mrs Christine Eiman. Gratulations! And two gentlemen … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, In English | 1 Comment

Colours of spring

I came to Africa in a very rainy season. However it finally stopped raining in May but instead it became very cold. Even freezing cold at times… Since then it’s been blue skies, a lot of sun, very cold nights … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, Family life, In English | 6 Comments

Windhoek Show

Intill Maerua Mall finns ett område som används för jippon av olika slag. Där finns utställningshallar och ytor som verkar kunna passa för det mesta. Idag ville Hanna, Saga och Effie dit, mest för att åka karusell tror jag. Saga … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, Familjeliv, På svenska | 1 Comment

Safety case

The surveillance validation project safety case for Namibian DCA will be done by Alfred Vlasek from Austro Control. This morning started very nicely: Morning coffee with “Sachertorte”, freshly imported from Austria. Thank you Alfred! The next days Alfred will meet … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, In English | Leave a comment

Third NEXT-1 exam

Today the next two trainees – mr George Kizza and mrs Philippine Lundama – successfully finished the first part (NEXT-1) of their training as part of the training and validation program for surveillance operations in Namibia. This is how happy … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, In English | 1 Comment

Second NEXT-1 exam

Today the next two trainees – mr George Matroos  and mr Erik Bruys – successfully finished the first part (NEXT-1) of their training as part of the training and validation program for surveillance operations in Namibia.

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, In English | Leave a comment

Bush walk

It was Sunday morning and since we wanted to see the sunrise the alarm was set. I had slept well in that big bed with it’s warm flannel sheets. The world outside those sheets was cold but I was determined. And that … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, In English, Tourism | 2 Comments

Aabadi bushcamp

It´s a small world we live in. That fact made me drive the road west from Okahandja. I almost missed my target… That is a very small sign on a big road. Not until after we passed the railroad came … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, In English, Tourism | 5 Comments


Vår dag på N/a’an ku sê var nästan slut. Bara ett sista besök kvar. En farmare hittade fyra gepardungar och tog dem som ett sätt att få tag på honan. Hon dök dock aldrig upp och efter att en unge dött … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, På svenska, Turist | 1 Comment


Solen närmade sig horisonten på N/a’an ku sê och vi åkte mot dagens näst sista besök. Dags att mata lejon… Dock inte med våra minsta besökare. Barnen blev ombedda att sitta kvar i bilen. Lejonhannen fick nöja sig med att gnaga … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, På svenska, Turist | 3 Comments