Monthly Archives: May 2011


During the fly-in we realized that we needed fuel to get home the next day. The nearest gas station was 40 km away so off we went. Just to find the car stopping after only a few hundred meters and the … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, In English, Tourism | 2 Comments

Fly-in at Rostock Ritz

It´s Saturday. Lets move down to the airport. The Rostock Ritz as well as the airport is owned by “Kücki” who ran a successful seafood restaurant in Swakopmund but decided to divert into the desert. The house above – “the … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, Flying, In English | 1 Comment

ICAO on the road

It was Friday and we were four from the Namibian ICAO team with a mission. It was Alfonso, our new project leader and air operations expert from Nicaragua, it was Peter, our air-law expert and it was Johan and myself. … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, In English | 2 Comments

FIC – “Windhoek Information”

A small, but important milestone is passed today. Windhoek FIC (Flight Information Center) started operations early this morning. There has been a lot of work to make this possible. A project group was formed with PATCO Brian Likando as the project … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, At work, In English | 4 Comments

Heja Lodge

Idag åkte “gräsänklingarna” (om jag får inkludera Peter i gänget Binge, Anders och Johan…) en bit öster om stan till Heja Lodge. Heja Lodge är Windhoeks närmsta lodge och ligger precis intill vägen mellan staden och internationella flygplatsen. Restaurang och … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, På svenska, Turist | 4 Comments

Alte Feste

Alte Feste ligger strategiskt placerat på en höjd mitt inne i Windhoek. Det började byggas 1890 och såg då ut så här. En del om- och tillbyggnader har gjorts sedan dess men det är ändå lätt att känna igen. Ursprungligen … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, Om Namibia, På svenska, Turist | 4 Comments

Avis Damm

Förra helgen lockade Binge med mig på en liten utflykt. Han körde oss till Avis Damm som ligger alldeles öster om Windhoeks stadskärna, intill vägen ut mot internationella flygplatsen. Trevligt att se ut över en vattenyta igen. Att bo i … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, På svenska, Turist | 3 Comments


Sun was getting low and it was time for the last visit for the day. The lions. I did not have to high expectations. Throwing meat to some sleepy big cats in a cage… Walking out of the car I … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, In English, Tourism | 5 Comments

African Wild Dog

Today the african wild dog is endangered. They used to be common all over Africa with over half a million living in packs of up to 100. Now there are only about 3000 to 5500 dogs remaining. The african wild … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, In English, Tourism | 1 Comment


Not far from the baboons was another fenced area. It was the home of three caracals – one male and two females. The caracal is an african cat that looks like the lynx, but it is closer related to the … Continue reading

Posted in Allt / everything, In English, Tourism | 1 Comment