College Art Exhibition

Less than two months ago I was at St George’s Prep School Art Exhibition. Tonight it was time for the College. Unfortunately College has a lot to learn from Prep…


At Prep’s Exhibition there were teachers, parents and children. Everything was well arranged. The Head of Prep school made his welcome speech and then there were drinks and snacks as we mingled and admired.


When College tonight was trying the same thing they had unfortunately told everyone it starts tomorrow! The headmaster was there but no speeches. No teachers, hardly any parents or students.


Too bad because a few of the students had made a big effort (like clearing the room, hanging paintings etc.) and there were drinks and snacks, only there was almost no one there to neither drink nor eat nor admire.


But for us few that did come there was a lot to admire.


Like this wall with some really good photos!Art10

Paintings above are by Angel, one of the students working hard to make this happen.


I really like her cat!


And the glass with spoons is just amazing!

Being the proud father I end with Saga’s work…Art01














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2 Responses to College Art Exhibition

  1. Pernilla Genell says:

    Vilka fina bilder!!!

  2. Pingback: Family life 2013 | Namibia

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