Namibia 24 years – The Independence Museum

Friday 21 March Namibia turned 24 years old.


This day day was also the opening day for “Independance Memorial Museum”…


…inaugurated the day before.


The new museum is built next to the “Alte Feste“…


…and inside “Alte Feste” you can see the displaced “Reiter Denkmal”. On its old place…Nam24_05

…you today find a new statue (made by North Korea like all statues inside and outside of the museum) and in front of the new museum……


…is a large “sign” and a statue of Sam Nujome. the first President of Namibia.Nam24_07

Inside the museum you are met by one of many paintings and then take the elevator to… Nam24_08

…the First floor, where you see something of Namibias pre-colonial history…


…but quickly move on to the period as a German colony…Nam24_10

…with its early resistence, symbolised by statues of some of the leaders…Nam24_11

…like Hendrik Witbooi and Samuel Maharero.Nam24_12

Horrifying pictures – left the concentration camp in Windhoek (look at the base for the couple in the new statue and compare it with the huts above) and right the concentration camp in Lüderitz.Nam24_13

In 1915 South Africa defeated Germany and took over the control over Namibia later introducing the apartheid system.

A touching image of people leaving Namibia for exile during the independence war…Nam24_15

…a period given much space in the museum…Nam24_16

…with strong pictures.Nam24_17

Photos of diplomatic efforts. The gold-framed picture shows Sam Nujoma and North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung.Nam24_18

The UN resolutions that finally led to…Nam24_19

…free elections and a new independant state – Namibia!

Very large and very symbolic paintings…Nam24_21

..depicting events…


…in the history that finally created Namibia.Nam24_23

The exhibition is today on three floors and as you are going between them the elevator will give you fine views to the south…Nam24_24

…to the east…Nam24_25

…and to the north. Above is the “Tintenpalast” housing the National Council and the National Assembly but to be replaced by a new building in the coming years.

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2 Responses to Namibia 24 years – The Independence Museum

  1. Jeremy Silvester says:

    Dear Colleague, I am writing in my capacity as Project Planning and Training Officer with the Museums Association of Namibia. We are an NGO that supports regional museum development in Namibia. We have a Facebook page if you would like to know more about us and have also just set up a Web Page, but do not have much content yet. I was very impressed with the quality of photographs that you took at the Independence Museum and was wondering whether we might be able to obtain copies for our Digital Database of images of Namibian museums. If so, we would make sure that you are credited if we use the photograph in any future publication. Best wishes, Jeremy

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