Wednesday Pizza Lunch

Today was number three, and it was great! To make learning easy and fun, the Directorate of Civil Aviation has introduced the Wednesday Pizza Lunches. The concept is simple – all DCA employees are invited to the DCA headquarters for a pizza lunch. Included is food for body but also food for thought. First of these lunches was May 7 and the theme was Air Law. Pizza1_Law01

Hungry people turned up and were fed and…Pizza1_Law02

…informed on “Air Law” by ICAO legal expert Peter O’Brien.Pizza1_Law03

It was so interesting that we found it hard to keep the time limits!

Second occasion was May 21 and the theme was Quality. Pizza2_QM01

Louise talked about the basics of Quality Management…Pizza2_QM02

…and when you combine that fascinating topic with Pizzas, the result is…Pizza2_QM03


Today, June 18 it was time for the third lunch. Pizza3_Risk01

Tim and Adrian was bringing “Risk” as the theme of this lunch.Pizza3_Risk02

The Captain divided us into two groups.Pizza3_Risk03

Each group had a discussion card from Eurocontrol to discuss on a question related to “Risk”. My group started a bit slow…Pizza3_Risk04

…but with “Captain secretary Njama” we soon…Pizza3_Risk05

…got into another mood!Pizza3_Risk06

The other group also looked a bit stiff…Pizza3_Risk07

…but quickly came closer and presented a great result!

The Wednesday Pizza Lunches will now take a break as we attend to the ICAO validation audit in July, but in August Pizza’s are back. Don’t miss it!

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4 Responses to Wednesday Pizza Lunch

  1. angeline Simana Paulo says:

    Great photo Anders and interesting stories on which successive generations of DCA (NCAA) staff can build on. How about framing some of them? They would not only lived up our corridors’ and boardroom to great a sense of togetherness and Team Spirt. It also tell a story to our visitors about our value system which we all have an opportunity to force.

    I would consult with Beaulah and Tobias whether we could occasionally a least cost frame some from your photo gallery.

  2. jocke bruzell says:

    keep on sending interesting happenings in Namibia.
    Sweden is still Cold…

  3. Pingback: Wednesday Pizza Lunch – Part 2 | Namibia

  4. Pingback: At work – fifth part was being an ANS Expert | Namibia

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