On the horseback at Bagatelle


One of the reasons for returning to Bagatelle was Hanna’s wish to try horseback riding again.Horseback02

Off we went…Horseback03

…into that fantastic Kalahari landscape.Horseback04

Hanna was very pleased!Horseback05

We passed the Bushman (San) village…


…we saw lots of Springbok…Horseback07

…and the Eland family with their cute calves.Horseback08

I think Hanna could have kept on for a few hours more…Horseback09

…but all things have an end so – “Good Bye Poko”!

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2 Responses to On the horseback at Bagatelle

  1. Pingback: Tourism – south and southwest | Namibia

  2. jocke bruzell says:

    Hej Anders!
    kul att följa Dina reportage.
    vinterhälsningar från jockeb

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