About the blog

My name is Anders Ellerstrand. I was born in the south of Sweden in 1960 and 50 years later I thought i had reached the peak of my life. From here it was downhill…

However, life proved to have at least one more challenge. During more than four years I was working for UN/ICAO in Windhoek, Namibia. That is what this blog is all about, and most of it is written in english.

13 Responses to About the blog

  1. Almyra Persson says:

    Hi Anders,
    I’ve just been looking through your blog – – Bengt-Inge sent the link (I’m Almyra; his sister-in-law). We are planning a trip to Namibia over Easter next year; so this blog has given me a bit of a taste of what we can see and do – thanks! I’m a bit of an amateur photographer, and have been admiring some of your photos – what camera do you use??
    Hi to B-I.

    • Anders says:

      Hi Almyra,
      Thank you! Yes , there is much to do and see in this country. You are going to like it!

      I’m using two cameras. A small one (Casio Exilim), and a slightly larger one – an Olympus Pen EP-1. With the Olympus I have a very nice M.Zuiko telezoom ED 75-300 (150-600) that helps me come a little bit closer to the animals.

      See you in Easter next year?

      / Anders

  2. Anthony says:

    Hello Anders,

    Would you please tell me which theme you’re using for this blog ? I’m discovering it because I plan to visit Namibia in a couple of months (May-June 2014) and it looks a good idea to create a blog after such a trip :-).

    Thank you !

  3. Rick Wolfe says:

    I have a circa 1902 postcard of Fort Otjimbingwe.
    If you would like to include it in your story on Fort Otjimbingwe you have my permission.
    Here is a link to it.

    Rick Wolfe
    Wolfe Stamp & Coin Co.
    Crosby MN

  4. Richard Pakleppa says:

    Dear Anders

    I am a Namibian film maker and write to enquire about the image of the old Airport in Windhoek (“J G Strydom Airport”) . We are making a documentary and would like to kindly request to use your picture. Please let us know if this is possible and if it is possible to receive a high resoultion of the foto from you.
    WIth Best Wishes
    Richard Pakleppa

  5. Hi Anders

    I came across your pics of the kudu bulls drinking on your blog, they are really great pics. Would you allow me to compose a painting using your kudu bulls as references? If so would it be possible to send me the original(high-res) files, I don’t mind if you watermark them with a copyright symbol. I can either pay you, send you a canvas print or otherwise I am happy to donate a percentage of the painting to a conservation project such as http://www.cmsafaris.com/african-elephant-research/dande-anti-poaching.htm

    See some of my latest paintings at https://www.facebook.com/PeterStewartFineArt

    Kind Regards

    Peter Stewart
    Durban, South Africa

  6. Pingback: Namibia

  7. Pingback: The adventure is over | Namibia

  8. Pingback: Ghost Story

  9. Christo Retief says:

    Hi Anders Ellerstrand,

    I am from Henties Bay in Namibia and “discovered” your Blog by accident. Do you have any other photo’s of the airport at M’Pacha (especially old military structures) which is nowadays called the Katima Mulilo International Airport. I spend all morning just paging through your photo’s on your Namibian tour. Stunningly beautiful!!!

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